Recent Weekly Torah

Reminders on the Crooked Path to Freedom

by Rabbi Aaron Alexander
posted on January 1, 2013
Torah Reading
Haftarah Reading
As I read through the beginning of the Book of Exodus (Shemot) I cannot help but be reminded of lessons that continually nag at my heart and soul. I'd like to share just a few of them with you. 1) This week we actively recall and celebrate the courageous actions of Shifra and Pu'ah, the Hebrew midwives who defied the King of Egypt, choosing life above death, thoughtful disobedience over blind submission, and fidelity to Godliness over human delusions of wielding God-like power. May their bravery live eternally (and instantly!) in our mandate to demand nothing less from ourselves. Read more...

The Importance of Grandparents

Headshot of Elliot Dorff
by Rabbi Elliot Dorff, PhD
posted on December 24, 2012
Torah Reading
Haftarah Reading
"Joseph lived to see children of the third generation of Ephraim; the children of Machir, son of Menasseh were likewise born upon Joseph's knees...Joseph died at the age of one hundred and ten years...."(Genesis 50:23, 26)   Read more...

A Hanukah Gift from my Grandparents

Headshot of Gail Labovitz
by Rabbi Gail Labovitz, PhD
posted on December 15, 2012
Torah Reading
Haftarah Reading
Maftir Reading
I never knew my paternal grandfather, Rabbi Jerome Labovitz (Jewish Theological Seminary, rabbinic class of 1931), who died at age 50, when my father was only 17 years old. But I am fortunate to have received, through my grandmother, nee Leah Gittel Siegel (who was very much in my life and lived into her 90's), a number of books that were his and theirs. Among these books is one with the simple title "Hanukkah," a collection compiled and edited by Emily Solis-Cohen in 1937; the copy I now possess is from the sixth imprint, in 1955. Read more...

One For Each Night

by Rabbi Aaron Alexander
posted on December 8, 2012
Torah Reading
Haftarah Reading
One of the reasons I love Hannukah so much is that it invites us to experience each and every day in a robust and interconnected way. Which is to say, each candle both stands on its own but is connected to what was, and what will be. To that end, I offer these eight kavannot(devotional/intentional focus points) as potential pathways to elevate your hannukiah-lighting ceremony each night. Hannukah Sameah! Read more...

The Bedtime Question

Headshot of Rabbi Ilana Berenbaum Grinblat
by Rabbi Ilana Berenbaum Grinblat
posted on December 1, 2012
Torah Reading
Haftarah Reading
"Why does Abbah (Dad) want to listen to Israeli radio so much?" My eight year old son Jeremy asked me as I was tucking my five year old daughter Hannah into bed. Oh no, I thought. I had hoped to avoid this conversation. I had hoped to spare my children from worrying about our family in Israel and my daughter's best friend who is in Jerusalem for the semester. But the kids could tell something was up. "There are some problems in Israel now." I began gently. "What kind of problems?" Jeremy asked. Read more...