Recent Weekly Torah

Listening with God's Ears

Photograph of Reb Mimi Feigelson
by Reb Mimi Feigelson
posted on June 14, 2008
Torah Reading
Haftarah Reading
In the traditional world that I grew up in we were taught early on to choose a rabbinic authority to whom we could pose our halachic questions. My first Rav to assume this position was the Rav of my school. He was the most immediate and accessible, therefore seemed to be the obvious choice. He lead me through my early teens. My second Rav was an important chaplain in the Israeli army and the father of the object of a major crush of mine. Read more...

Ordered Chaos

by Rabbi Aaron Alexander
posted on May 29, 2008
Torah Reading
Haftarah Reading
And God spoke to Moses in the wilderness of Sinai in the Tent of Meeting on the first day of the second month in the second year of their exodus from the land of Egypt... (Numbers 1:1) Read more...

Sounds of Falling Leaves

by Rabbi Cheryl Peretz
posted on May 24, 2008
Torah Reading
Haftarah Reading
One of my favorite times of the year is early fall, when the leaves start changing colors and begin falling off the trees. And, as the winds shift, one can listen to the blowing of the leaves as they shuffle together creating a symphony of natural music. Even living in Southern California where we don't always experience the same change of seasons, I still think of that time as one of soothing comfort and promise and rebirth Read more...

A Memory of 'Other'

Photograph of Reb Mimi Feigelson
by Reb Mimi Feigelson
posted on May 17, 2008
Torah Reading
Haftarah Reading
When looking at this week's Torah portion and thinking about the relevance of the Yovel â€“ the jubilee year where all land returns to its original owner and slaves are set free â€“ to my life and reality, my mind weaves a web with a Chassidic story, a Chassidic teaching and a personal experience fifteen years old as the answer. Read more...

Love of Zion

Rabbi Bradley Artson
by Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson
posted on May 10, 2008
Torah Reading
Haftarah Reading
Israel's existence is a miracle: After wandering in exile for almost twenty centuries, the Jewish people have returned to their homeland where they govern a Jewish state, speak the ancient language of the Torah and the Mishnah, and conduct their daily routine in the neighborhoods of Isaiah and King David. It is easy to take this collective resurrection for granted. Even after visiting Israel three times, I still forget how astonishing the establishment of Israel really is. Occasionally, however, a simple intrusion in my life can abruptly focus my amazement on that little state. Read more...